Jane Austen sullo schermo

Test: A quale sorella Bennet assomigli di più? (Orgoglio e pregiudizio), in inglese

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view post Posted on 17/10/2008, 17:13

Elizabeth Bennet - You are the defiant and triumphant heroine of Pride and Prejudice. Witty, intelligent and self-assured, you exude independence and don't let anyone push you around, regardless of how much better than you they think they are. However, while trying to combat the arrogance of others, you sometimes become a little arrogant yourself and forget about what really matters in this world: true goodness and acceptance of all people...including those family members who sometimes embarass you!
view post Posted on 18/10/2008, 20:03

Lizzie sono molto contenta! Devi assomigliare davvero ad Elizabeth Bennet perché in ongi test esce sempre lo stesso risultato. Io ancora non ho avuto tempo di farlo. Scusate : SORRY : provvederò presto
view post Posted on 18/10/2008, 21:54

CITAZIONE (annaausten @ 18/10/2008, 21:03)
Lizzie sono molto contenta! Devi assomigliare davvero ad Elizabeth Bennet perché in ongi test esce sempre lo stesso risultato. Io ancora non ho avuto tempo di farlo. Scusate : SORRY : provvederò presto

si Eliabeth mi rispecchia molto...non ti preoccupare e fallo quando hai tempo sperò che anche a te esca quella che più ti rappresenta
view post Posted on 19/10/2008, 08:13

CITAZIONE (LittleLizzie @ 18/10/2008, 22:54)
sperò che anche a te esca quella che più ti rappresenta

Speriamo che non esca Mary, visto che canto e suono : IN LACRIME :
view post Posted on 19/10/2008, 09:27

no mry no io ti trovo più simile a jane sei molto ragionevole e gentile hai dvvero un buon cuore
view post Posted on 20/10/2008, 14:58

CITAZIONE (LittleLizzie @ 19/10/2008, 10:27)
no mry no io ti trovo più simile a jane sei molto ragionevole e gentile hai dvvero un buon cuore

: ARROSSIRE : Sono molto commossa!! Grazie!
view post Posted on 20/10/2008, 15:42

view post Posted on 11/12/2008, 23:20

ooooh non lo avrei mai detto ma mi è uscito -------------------->
Elizabeth Bennet - You are the defiant and triumphant heroine of Pride and Prejudice. Witty, intelligent and self-assured, you exude independence and don't let anyone push you around, regardless of how much better than you they think they are. However, while trying to combat the arrogance of others, you sometimes become a little arrogant yourself and forget about what really matters in this world: true goodness and acceptance of all people...including those family members who sometimes embarass you!

view post Posted on 12/12/2008, 12:43

CITAZIONE (LittleLizzie @ 19/10/2008, 09:27)
no mry no io ti trovo più simile a jane sei molto ragionevole e gentile hai dvvero un buon cuore

Invece è uscita proprio Mary : IN LACRIME :

Mary Bennet - One of the middle sisters in the Bennet family, you are decidedly plain and are considered somewhat patronizing and obnoxious by your family members. You can't help it, though - you feel you consume the thoughts of someone in a completely different time and place! As long as you have your books and can apply them to your daily observations, you'll be forever satisfied in your reflective, studious world.

Mary non mi dispiace ma è quella che resta sola.

Chiara sono contenta che ti sia uscita Lizzie ^_^
view post Posted on 2/6/2010, 23:02

Miracolo! Di solito in questi test non mi esce mai quello che voglio o quello che, secondo me, rispecchia di più il mio carettere!
Stavolta mi è uscita Lizzie:

Elizabeth Bennet - You are the defiant and triumphant heroine of Pride and Prejudice. Witty, intelligent and self-assured, you exude independence and don't let anyone push you around, regardless of how much better than you they think they are. However, while trying to combat the arrogance of others, you sometimes become a little arrogant yourself and forget about what really matters in this world: true goodness and acceptance of all people...including those family members who sometimes embarass you!
view post Posted on 3/6/2010, 08:50

CITAZIONE (Origin753 @ 3/6/2010, 00:02)
Miracolo! Di solito in questi test non mi esce mai quello che voglio o quello che, secondo me, rispecchia di più il mio carettere!
Stavolta mi è uscita Lizzie:

Elizabeth Bennet - You are the defiant and triumphant heroine of Pride and Prejudice. Witty, intelligent and self-assured, you exude independence and don't let anyone push you around, regardless of how much better than you they think they are. However, while trying to combat the arrogance of others, you sometimes become a little arrogant yourself and forget about what really matters in this world: true goodness and acceptance of all people...including those family members who sometimes embarass you!

Bene sono contenta! ^_^
view post Posted on 3/8/2010, 14:34

sìììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì come speravoooooooooo
Your Result
Elizabeth Bennet - You are the defiant and triumphant heroine of Pride and Prejudice. Witty, intelligent and self-assured, you exude independence and don't let anyone push you around, regardless of how much better than you they think they are. However, while trying to combat the arrogance of others, you sometimes become a little arrogant yourself and forget about what really matters in this world: true goodness and acceptance of all people...including those family members who sometimes embarass you!
view post Posted on 13/8/2010, 12:55

CITAZIONE (ginevrina @ 3/8/2010, 15:34)
sìììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì come speravoooooooooo
Your Result
Elizabeth Bennet - You are the defiant and triumphant heroine of Pride and Prejudice. Witty, intelligent and self-assured, you exude independence and don't let anyone push you around, regardless of how much better than you they think they are. However, while trying to combat the arrogance of others, you sometimes become a little arrogant yourself and forget about what really matters in this world: true goodness and acceptance of all people...including those family members who sometimes embarass you!

Sono veramente felice per te!
13 replies since 25/8/2008, 20:43   529 views